Even if you’re going to live to 150, you need a will – and we can help you make a lasting impact.

“It was important for Ruick and I to protect our 40 acres in Ripley County from future development after we’re gone. If not done, my fear was this would lead to extensive ATV use, erosion, hunting, logging and habitat loss. Therefore, we decided to gift our property along with our investments to Oak Heritage as beneficiary to our trust. This gave us peace of mind knowing we will be protecting the park-like setting with the trees we planted, trails we made and preserving the beauty of the meandering streams on our land for perpetuity.”
Gwen Sarsfield. Gwen and Ruick have been longtime Oak Heritage members, and now they have created a legacy for nature forever.
Making a Planned Gift to Oak Heritage Conservancy is one of the best ways to create a conservation legacy. Planned gifts provide Oak Heritage with the resources and staff to protect southeast Indiana’s best natural areas – and connect future generations to nature.
A charitable bequest is an outright gift of cash, securities, bonds, real estate, or other assets specified in a will, either as a designated dollar amount or as a percentage of an estate. Oak Heritage Conservancy could also be named as a remainder beneficiary to receive funds only after specific sums have been paid to individuals.
Sample Language
I give, devise and bequeath ______________ (insert dollar amount, percent or item of property to be donated) to Oak Heritage Conservancy Inc, a non-profit organization (Tax ID #27-0042193) as described in section 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code, with a principal business address of PO Box 335, Hanover, Indiana 47243, for its general purposes.
You can pass an asset directly to Oak Heritage by naming Oak Heritage Conservancy Inc as the beneficiary of an account (such as a bank or brokerage account or a certificate of deposit).
Donating a gift of tangible personal property (such as a vehicle) or real estate is another way to support Oak Heritage Conservancy. You may be eligible for a tax benefit, such as reduced capital gains tax, income tax, or estate tax.
This is an easy but powerful way to support conservation in southeast Indiana – it does not even require a change to your will. You can simply name Oak Heritage Conservancy Inc as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. Your fund manager or human resources department can provide you with the appropriate forms. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to Oak Heritage free of federal estate tax.
Oak Heritage Conservancy does not offer tax or legal advice. Check with your professional tax advisor to make sure that any charitable giving strategy makes sense for you

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