Members of Oak Heritage Conservancy will bring the exhibit to Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge’s upcoming “Conservation Happenings” event on March 14 from 9am-3pm. The event brings people together to learn about conservation around southern Indiana. Last year, over 115 people attended.
Anyone interested attending the free March 14 event is asked to RSVP to
The conservancy hopes the contest will introduce them to people in Jackson County.
The group recently protected their first property in Jackson County. The 28-acre forest sits along the East Fork of the White River, on the north side of Rockford. It is open to the public and the group is planning a dedication at the site to officially honor the Lebline and Simmons families who cared for the land for generations and donated the property. For more information, visit
Note: This event is not hosted by OHC, but we attend each year and always learn something, meet new conservation-minded folks, and have a good time. We hope to see you there!
Attention all who are interested in Southern Indiana Conservation you are invited to a Meeting to create a dialogue about landscape level conservation and strategic habitat conservation at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge Tuesday March 14, 2017 9 AM – 3 PM. Last year we had 116 enthusiastic conservation minded people attend and we are working on another excellent line up of speakers and topics for this years meeting. Please forward this to everyone and anyone who you feel may be interested in attending.
Welcome: 9:00AM – Susan Knowles, Private Lands Wildlife Biologist, USFWS
Big Oaks NWR – update; Joe Robb, Refuge Manager
Jennings County Share Some Space Pollinator Project- Successful action means more habitat on the ground! National Earth Team Partnership Award recipients; Andy Ertel, Jennings County SWCD
Conservation Initiatives at Franklin College; Ben O’Neal, Ph.D. Department of Biology Chair
The Effects of Hybrid Cattails on Common Loons; Spencer Wesche
The Impact of Hydrology on Nesting Waterbirds; Antonio Gioe
Monitoring of White-tailed Deer at Muscatatuck NWR; Alex Bird
Students (8-10) poster session in the Visitor Center
Partners for Fish and Wildlife – updates; Jeff Kiefer, Indiana Private Lands Coordinator, USFWS
Increasing Interest, Habitat, and Resources for Pollinators through a Seed Collection initiative
Volunteering for Monarchs (Pollinator Partnership NFWF grant); Julia Kemnitz, Private Lands Biologist USFWS, Ben Miller, Landscape Conservation Initiative Liaison, IDNR
Bears in Indiana – What are we going to do? How many have visited Indiana, What to Expect; Taylor Rasmussen, Nongame Mammalogist, IDNR – Division of Fish & Wildlife
CORRIDORS (Conservation on Rivers and Roadways Intended To Develop Opportunities for Resources and Species); Erin Basiger, South Region Landscape Biologist, IDNR
Updates and Announcements:
Patoka NWR – updates; Bill McCoy, Refuge Manager
Hoosier National Forest – update; Mike Chaveas, Forest Supervisor
State Wildlife Action Plan update; Brad Feaster
Muscatatuck NWR – updates, Alejandro Galvan, Refuge Manager
Enjoy the Refuge
Lunch will be served at the refuge to give an opportunity to mix and mingle:
Sponsored by the Muscatatuck Wildlife Society and Big Oaks Conservation Society.
Please RSVP: so we have enough lunch!