Photo by Brian Lowry.
When you picture a farm, do you imagine sandhill cranes and butterflies? How about a sunset through sycamore trees or cattle grazing on lush grass? Or maybe historic barns and families working the land?
This Fall, we are inviting amateur photographers to submit photos of Indiana farms, from crop fields to livestock to wildlife and beyond.
“The photography contest lets people consider the beauty of working farms, and how farmland contributes to the character of our communities,” says Pat Larr, a local farmer who serves on the George Rogers Clark Land Trust board.
Their group works to preserve farmland in southern Indiana, for future generations. We are partnering on this contest because so many southern Indiana farms aren’t just farm fields – they are also made up of forests, wetlands, and other natural areas.
The call to consider the importance of farmland and natural areas is timely.
“Once the new bridge from Louisville is open, there’s going to be increased pressure for farmland owners to develop their land. We know development is going to happen, and that’s okay. But we want to protect our farmland, too.”
“Before we develop too much,” says Larr, “we want people ask themselves: ‘How do farms contribute to the character of our community?’”
The photo contest, she says, is a fun, relaxed way to spark that conversation.
Photographers can enter a photo under one of four categories:
- Wildlife & Wildflowers
- Wetlands, Creeks, Prairie, & Forests
- Cropland, Pasture, & Livestock
- Farmstead, Barns, & People
Photos can be submitted September 1 through October 31. Send an email with the subject “Photo Contest” to [email protected]. Include your name, address, phone number, and category – and attach your photo.
Ten to fifteen winning photos will be selected and displayed as part of a travelling photo exhibit this winter. After the exhibits, the winners will receive a mounted, high quality print of their photo.
This photography contest and exhibition are generously supported by the Indiana Arts Commission.
Please note that winning photos may be used by Oak Heritage Conservancy for our promotional efforts to conserve natural areas and farmland, and to educate the public about land conservation.
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