This is the Joseph Holmes barn – an old barn on Harshman road. It was an attractive subject to photograph star trails over the barn and add some soft interior LED lighting. This is a 30 minute exposure of 25 second exposures taken 30 seconds apart and then “stacked” in photoshop to provide the star trails. The members of the Bloomington Photography Club made more than a dozen trips to film this cool looking barn. Gaps in the star trails indicate images that had to be removed because a passing car would ruin the soft lighting on the barn. : I was raised on a farm and have always enjoyed the out of doors. I have always enjoyed taking and developing photographs. My wife bought me an underwater camera when I was 40 and we learned to scuba dive and take photographs of fish and critters. I retired from my medical practice 3 years ago and took some Nikon/ Popular photography courses in the national parks. I did not realize how much that I did know about my camera and photography. I joined a photography club and have been leading some field trips for our members. We learn together about technique and and our cameras. I am fortunate to live in a part of the country that has migratory birds and old farms. Lately i have been sitting in duck blinds and filming ducks that land and take off.
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