steve blackwell 2017-3 – Steve Blackwell

Steve Blackwell – Eagle Creek Park

Eagle Creek Park is special mainly because it is close to home, but that is not all. It is a great place for photographers, bird and wildlife watchers, bicyclist, hikers, fishermen, and swimmers. There are also several Bald Eagles who make their home there. Being close to Indianapolis it is also a quick getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life and a place to unwind. Spring and Fall are my favorite times to visit but I have gone there at other times to fish and watch the rowing competitions. On the north end, where the creek feeds the reservoir, there are a large number of gulls that enjoy the lower water levels and the abundance of food. During my visit I was lucky to catch the gulls landing and taking flight often; they did most of the work while I just remained patient and operated the camera. 

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