Feb 15 – March 15 – Native Plant Sale


Ready for more butterflies, bees, and birds in your yard? Then it’s time to establish a pollinator habitat. Oak Heritage Conservancy is part of the “Jefferson County Polllinator Action Group,” and together, we’re hosting a plant sale.

The plant sale makes it easy to offer what native pollinators need – a food source throughout the warm months, a place to lay their eggs and grow, and shelter.

You can download the Native Plant Sale Brochure by clicking here! The brochure explains a bit about each native plant, including what soil types and amount of sun it needs, and when the plant blooms.

Plants are $3 each, and come as “plugs” – one-year-old plants that already have well established roots. They should bloom this year. The brochure has tips for designing your habitat, and we offer bundles if you aren’t sure what to plant.

For a printable booklet brochure, click here.

Orders must be placed and paid in full by March 15. Click Here for the Order FormPlant pickup will be in early May, at the Fairgrounds. For more information, contact Vicki Wehner at (812) 265-7609.