Thank you for wanting to create a living legacy for nature. Southeast Indiana is a special place, and you can help protect its unique natural areas for current and future generations. Like the mighty oaks that thrive in southeast Indiana, your gift can grow, year after year.
Gift planning can be simple. If you want to make a tangible and positive impact, Oak Heritage is ready to turn your passion for nature into a living legacy that grows with time.
Your gift will build momentum for conservation in southeast Indiana. Each legacy gift helps us protect and steward more land, build more trails, and get more families outside in nature.
We have outlined options that can allow nature-lovers like you to support Oak Heritage. These tools will help build our capacity, so that we can protect and steward more land, offer more trails, and lead more events that get families outside in nature.
We invite you to read these over, and then be in touch. You can reach us by phone at (513) 678-7530, by mail at PO Box 335, Hanover, Indiana 47243, or by email at [email protected]
. We look forward to talking together with you, and putting your gift to work for conservation in southeast Indiana.

“Giving to Oak Heritage just felt right! This land can make a lasting difference for nature.”
– Steve Simmons (on left, above). Steve and his wife, Mary Ann, donated his family’s forest to Oak Heritage. Together, we’ve protected this special riparian habitat and the remarkable bluebells that blanket the forest floor each spring. Click here to learn more about their experience contributing to Oak Heritage, and consider how giving during your lifetime lets you see your gift in action.

“Giving to Oak Heritage gave us peace of mind knowing we will be protecting the trees we planted, trails we made and preserving the beauty of the meandering streams on our land for perpetuity.”
– Gwen Sarsfield. Gwen and Ruick (photographed above) have been longtime Oak Heritage members, and now they have created a legacy for nature forever. Click here to learn more about why they decided to include Oak Heritage in their wills, and consider how you can leave a lasting legacy for nature.
Getting Started
Not sure where to start? That’s okay. We can walk you through the logistics – but first, we suggest reflecting a bit on timing. Which statement matches your goals?

If you want see your gifts in action, consider a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds – or give via your IRA. These gifts increase our capacity over the long term – but they let us get to work for nature right away. It will be a joy to see the progress you make possible. Click here to learn more about creating a legacy for nature now.

Consider bequests, estate plans, and wills – or name Oak Heritage as a beneficiary in your retirement plans or life insurance policies. Click here for details about creating a legacy for nature forever.

Consider donating real property – a house, a property that could be a nature preserve, or something else. Please contact us to hear about a donation (now or in the future) can benefit conservation in southeast Indiana.
If you would like to obtain more information about planned giving options please consult your attorney and your tax or financial advisors, or feel free to contact us at (513) 678-7530, PO Box 335, Hanover, Indiana 47243, or [email protected] . You can also ask your attorney or financial advisor to contact us. Inquiries are confidential.
If you have decided to include Oak Heritage in your estate plans, we are grateful. Please let us know so we recognize your generosity and thank you in your lifetime (publicly or anonymously, depending on your wishes).
Oak Heritage Conservancy does not offer tax or legal advice. Check with your professional tax advisor to make sure that any charitable giving strategy makes sense for you.

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